Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Team with David Ssejinja at our meeting while we were in Kamapala. On the front row from L-R we have Mr. Kimbowa, Melissa, Violet, Solomy, Mrs. Kimbowa, Shannon, Lucia, Dr. Grenney, David Ssejinja. On the back row from Left to right we have Kevin, JAmes, Joseph, Alexis and Mike.
Ok, so that looks like all you are going to get. I know I said I would sit for hours...but you have no idea how boring and frustrating that is. Man how I miss the internet back in the states.
Things here are good. I am trying to think os something funny to say. All I can say is we have moved more dirt the past few days then I thought was ever possible. I was asked the other day why all the white people have different color hair. Is it because you are from different tribes? How do you describe DNA and genes to someone who doesn't know english very well? I was also asked if we paid a dowry. I told him no and he thought that was so weird. WHat does the man give your family for taking you away? We told him that we hadn't lived with our parents for years and they weren't use to us providing financially for them. He said if they didn't give a dowry they were theives and thrown in jail. So there you have it...all you guys you be in jail :)
Well I will try again later to put more pictures on. Keep on keeping on. Hope you have a great Christmas!

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